A full refresh of the Citroën Car Club of NZ website which ran from March 2021 through to February 2022.
Working with 2 other website administrators, my role was to provide advice and help with rebuilding the website from the ground up in a voluntary capacity.
My partner is a Citroën enthusiast and an active member of the club, so I worked closely with him to help him realise the joy that he gets from belonging to the community.
Blue, white, and red were chosen as the main influencing colours to tie into the French theme of the club. The secondary accent colour was primarily used for call-to-action interfaces.
A colour-themed approach to the branch clubs was used to help people distinguish between the different clubs throughout NZ. Black was used to highlight any special news or event announcements for the overarching umbrella organisation, the Citroën Car Club of NZ.
Different background effects, scrolling behaviour, hover effects, and iconography was used to create interest. Shape dividers were used to emphasise context changes in content.
The club has lots of photos from over the years which were incorporated into the design wherever possible. This achieves two goals, attracts new members to the club as they can see how active it is and helps existing members to make new connections and build relationships with other members in the club.
Login and Join workflows are situated in the navigation bar as these were seen as two critical processes.
Club events, magazines, newsletters, and classifieds are the main drawcards for people to want to use the website. These were all made prominent features and accessible from any point in the website structure.
A 'My Dashboard' interface was designed to encapsulate all the features available to different levels of membership and a hierarchy of role-based authorisation levels was utilised to restrict access levels to different features of the website. This includes members, branch officers, website admins, and executive leaders each with unique needs. WordPress plugins were utilised to enforce this hierarchy of access privilages. This enabled granular restrictions to be placed on different areas of website content and features. It was suggested to have a base role called 'Citroen Fan' which could be used to denote a non-member. The benefit of doing this will enable non-members to view and explore all the features that a regular member has but access to those features would be locked. Effectively dangling a carrot on the stick, so to speak. This would also allow members to be downgraded should they choose to cancel their membership. This idea was not progressed further.